Ave Maria Academy’s Portrait of a Graduate identifies the key competencies our students must develop from the time they join our school community through their 8th grade graduation. To learn more about Ave Maria Academy’s Portrait of the Graduate and to read the full details of each competency, please visit: https://avemariapgh.org/portrait-of-the-graduate.
Please visit the link to read the 2023-2024 Catholic Schools Report from the Diocese of Pittsburgh: https://files.ecatholic.com/16469/documents/2024/1/Catholic%20schools%20report%2035-1.pdf?t=1706202031000.
Congratulations to Caroline Howell, who submitted an application to the 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (JIC), the premier national middle school STEM competition! She has been selected as a Thermo Fisher JIC nominee - - a great honor—only the top 10% of 6th-8th grade students participating in science fairs nationwide are selected for this opportunity. We are so proud of you Caroline!
Michael Murphy is a 2020 graduate of Saint Thomas More School/Ave Maria Academy and is currently a junior at Central Catholic high school. Michael enjoyed his time at STM/AMA and part of that was being a part of the Forensics team. At Central Catholic, he has continued his love of Forensics, specifically in the event of public forum debate. Also, the Central Catholic Forensics team recently won back-to-back Pennsylvania middle division state titles! The seed for his forensics success was planted by Miss Farnsworth in third grade and nurtured by Mrs. Rickard in middle school at STM and is now blooming at Central Catholic. We would love to congratulate Michael, as he continues to use his talent and skills in public speaking that he gained here at AMA.
There are 2 different game options for Diocese of Pittsburgh Families: Sunday March 26th 6:00 p.m. against the Houston Rockets or Friday March 31st 7:30 p.m. against the New York Knicks Link to purchase tickets: https://pa.exchange/marketplace/ced9c648-a333-11ed-af78-a744f3f71d5d/storefront/395f99e8-a334-11ed-900c-e100f9eeff93
$10.00 for 1 Ticket and $45.00 for 5 Tickets For a Chance to Win: 4 Tickets located in Section 113 for the December 24th Steelers vs. Raiders game; where they will be commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Immaculate Reception 4 PreGame Field Access Passes 1 Signed Franco Harris Jersey
Student council will be selling these from December 6 through 16 to raise money for the Make A Wish Foundation. Large Candy Canes - $1 Small Candy Cane and Hot Chocolate Packet - $2