Volunteers are a blessing to our school. In order to volunteer at our school, you must be in compliance with the Diocesan Safe Environment Policy. To be in compliance you must do the following:
Complete the Diocesan Safe Environment Database online. Click on the following link: www.diopitt.org to begin the process. You must be in the database before doing any of the other steps.
Review and then sign the Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct Acknowledgement online
Pennsylvania State Police Clearance
Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance
FBI Criminal History Clearance or Waiver
Reporting of Child Abuse and the Child Protective Services Law of Pennsylvania Acknowledgement
Attend a Protecting God’s Children Live Class or take the On-line Class.
Mandated Reporter Training On-line Class or Live Class.
Many of these items are easy to do. While it is a process to be able to volunteer, it is for the protection of your children. Volunteering is very rewarding and our teachers, staff, and our students truly appreciate all of our volunteers.
There are many volunteer opportunities at our school. Some tasks can be done at home, some events need volunteers during the school day, and other events need volunteers in the evenings and on weekends. There is something to fit everyone’s schedule. Here are just a few of the fun opportunities:
PTG Family Events
Playground Monitors
Cafeteria Helpers
Catholic Schools Week Events
Homeroom Parent Liaison
There are many more opportunities throughout the year. We value your contribution of time and talent.
If you have questions, email our Safe Environment Coordinator at safeE@avemariapgh.org.